On finite monoids having only trivial subgroups
@article{SCHU65, abstract = {An alternative definition is given for a family of subsets of a free monoid that has been considered by Trahtenbrot and by McNaughton.}, author = {Schützenberger, Marcel P.}, doi = {10.1016/S0019-9958(65)90108-7}, issn = {0019-9958}, journal = {Information and Control}, language = {en}, number = {2}, pages = {190--194}, sha256 = {EF336CA6958FDEB3F3BFDCA9489598AB44838BCCBE9368EF1838D8D137C0634B, 83F67155046D484C3F09D542E0513B430F9E6572A11F3F8D6880799E5BB23287}, title = {On finite monoids having only trivial subgroups}, volume = {8}, year = {1965} }