1 The Bounty Board Rules ⚔️
The Bounty Board is a place where you can find tasks to complete. Each task is associated with a reward. The rewards for each problem are given in terms of points at the end of the year, with the following formula: \[ \text{points} = 1 / \text{number of bounty hunters} \quad .\]
Some bounties have a limited date of completion, and some are open until the end of the year.
To collect a bounty, you need to send to
a complete solution in
format. Upon reception, and if the solution is
correct, you will be added to the list of bounty hunters for this
2 The Bounty Board 🏆
The board contains columns Task, Difficulty, and Bounty Hunters. The difficulty is rated from 🌟 to 🌟🌟🌟, if no-one has collected the bounty yet, it is indicated with an empty nest 🪹. The list of bounty hunters that collected the bounty is given in the last column.
For some problems the difficulty is unknown, they look doable but we haven’t really tried to solve them yet. They could be easy or hard.
Task | Difficulty | Bounty Hunters |
Be There Or Be Very Weak Square | Unknown | 🪹 |
Forward Loops Cannot Go Backwards | Unknown | 🪹 |
Minimising growth | Unknown | 🪹 |
– | – | – |
Deatomisation of Bimachines | 🌟🌟🌟 | 🪹 |
Nesting Birds | 🌟🌟🌟 | 🪹 |
Bounded Output | 🌟🌟 | 🪹 |
Windowed Transducers | 🌟 | Antoni Puch |
One Size Fits All | 🌟 | Antoni Puch |
3 Bounties
3.1 Bounded Output
Give an algorithm that decides if a polyregular function has finitely many distinct outputs.
3.2 Forward Loops Cannot Go Backwards
Let us call \(\mathsf{ForwardPoly}\) the class of
functions computed by for-programs that only have forward loops.
Prove that the reverse
function is not in \(\mathsf{ForwardPoly}\).
3.3 Nesting Birds
Give an algorithm that inputs a polyregular function \(f\), and decides whether \(f\) can be realised by a for-program that does not nest for loops.
3.4 One Size Fits All
Prove that the following two subclasses of rational functions are equivalent and provide effective conversions:
- unambiguous NFA with output where every transition is labelled by exactly one output letter.
- unambiguous NFA with output where for every input word, the output has the same length as the input.
3.5 Be There Or Be Very Weak Square
A semi-blind \(k\)-pebble transducer is obtained by
modifying the original model so that when placing a new pebble, the
machines does not start from the leftmost position of the input (and
stays where it is currently), but such that the pebbles cannot be
seen by submachines. Prove that semi-blind \(k\)-pebble transducers cannot compute
the squaring
3.6 Windowed Transducers
A Mealy machine is called windowed if there exists a constant \(K \in \mathbb{N}\) such that the output of the machine on a given input letter only depends on the letters at distance at most \(K\) from the input letter.
- Provide an example of a Mealy Machine that is not windowed.
- Is it decidable whether a Mealy Machine is windowed?
The definition of windowed generalizes naturally to unambiguous NFAs with output where every transition is labelled by a single output letter, called unambiguous NFAs with letter-to-letter output.
- Is it decidable whether an unambiguous NFA with letter-to-letter output is windowed?
3.7 Minimising growth
Recall that in \(\mathsf{MSO}\)-transductions, we introduced a duplication function \(d_{\alpha, \beta}\) that maps \(w\) to \(\diamond^\beta \prod_{i = 1}^{|w|} w_i (\#)^{\alpha - 1}\). Any regular function is written as the composition of an \(\mathsf{MSO}\)-interpretation (without copies) with a duplication. As a consequence, \(|f(w)| \leq \alpha |w| + \beta\) for some \(\alpha, \beta \in \mathbb{N}\).
Question: assume that there exists \(\alpha', \beta' \in \mathbb{N}\) such that \(|f(w)| \leq \alpha' |w| + \beta'\) for all \(w\). Is it possible to represent \(f\) using \(d_{\alpha',\beta'}\) followed by an \(\mathsf{MSO}\)-interpretation.
3.8 Deatomisation of Bimachines
Let \(\mathbb{A}\) be an infinite set, and \(\mathcal{S}\) be the set of permutations of \(\mathbb{A}\). We define atomic bimachines with input alphabet \((\Sigma \cup \mathbb{A})\) and output alphabet \((\Gamma \cup \mathbb{A})\) via the existence of a finite monoid \(M\) and a morphism \(\mu \colon (\Sigma \cup \mathbb{A})^* \to M\) such that \(\mu(a) = 1_M\) for all \(a \in \mathbb{A}\), together with a production function \(\pi \colon M \times (\Sigma \cup \mathbb{A}) \times M \to (\Gamma \cup \mathbb{A})^*\), satisfying the following equivariance property (where \(\sigma \in \mathcal{S}\) is lifted from permutations over \(\mathbb{A}\) to an action over \((\Gamma \cup \mathbb{A})^*\) and \((\Sigma \cup \mathbb{A})^*\) in the natural way):
\[ \forall a \in \mathbb{A}, \forall \sigma \in \mathcal{S}, \pi (m, \sigma(a), n) = \sigma(\pi(m,a,n)) \quad . \]
An atom coding function is a function \(c \colon \mathbb{A}\hookrightarrow\langle 1^* \rangle\), i.e., that maps every atom to a unique word of the form \(\langle 1^k \rangle\) for some \(k \in \mathbb{N}\). We say that a function \(f \colon (\mathbb{A}\cup \Sigma)^* \to (\mathbb{A}\cup \Gamma)^*\) is deatomisable if there exists a rational function \(f^\dagger \colon (\Sigma \cup \{ \langle, \rangle, 1 \})^* to (\Gamma \cup \{ \langle, \rangle, 1 \})^*\) such that for all atomic codes \(c \colon \mathbb{A}\hookrightarrow\langle 1^* \rangle\), the following commutes
\[ c \circ f = f^\dagger \circ c \quad . \]
Prove that the following are equivalent:
- A function \(f\) is deatomisable,
- It is realisable by an atomic bimachine.